NoAbstract schemata are used for inheritance only and shouldn’t be used directly.
A public appeal issued by an authority, possibly on behalf of another, for buying a specific work, supply or service
Abstract schemata are used for inheritance only and shouldn’t be used directly.
Entities using a generated schema shouldn’t be created directly by users.
Entities using a matchable schema can be used for matching and cross-referencing.
Entities using a hidden schema shouldn’t be displayed in user interfaces or created by users.
FollowTheMoney has well-defined semantics for different representations of entities, for example in a network graph or in a timeline.
or date
should be used as
the temporal start.
should be used as the temporal
Name | Label | Type |
CallForTenders:authority | Name of contracting authority | LegalEntity |
Thing:name | Name | name |
CallForTenders:title | Title | string |
Thing:country | Country | country |
Thing:address | Address | address |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | Address |
Thing:alephUrl | Aleph URL | url |
Thing:alias | Other name | name |
CallForTenders:authorityReferenceId | Contracting authority reference ID | identifier |
CallForTenders:awardedInLots | Contract awarded in Lots | string |
CallForTenders:awardingDate | Date of awarding | date |
CallForTenders:awardNoticeDate | Award Notice Date | date |
CallForTenders:callId | CfT unique id | identifier |
Thing:candidateSimilars | Similar to this | Similar |
CallForTenders:certificationCheck | Certification check | string |
CallForTenders:clarificationDeadline | End of clarification period | date |
CallForTenders:contractAwards | Contract Awards | ContractAward |
CallForTenders:contractNoticeDate | Contract notice date | date |
Thing:courtCase | Court cases | CourtCaseParty |
CallForTenders:cpvCode | CPV code | identifier |
Thing:createdAt | Created at | date |
Interval:date | Date | date |
Thing:description | Description | text |
CallForTenders:directive | Directive | string |
Thing:documentedBy | Documents | Documentation |
Interval:endDate | End date | date |
CallForTenders:euFunding | EU funding | string |
CallForTenders:evaluationMechanism | Evaluation mechanism | string |
CallForTenders:fallsUnderGPPScope | Does this call fall under the scope of GPP? | string |
Thing:indexText | Index text | text |
CallForTenders:involvesOutcome | Call for tenders result | string |
Thing:keywords | Keywords | string |
CallForTenders:lotsNames | Lots names | string |
Thing:matchSimilars | Similar as this | Similar |
CallForTenders:maximumNumberOfLots | Maximum number of lots | number |
Thing:modifiedAt | Modified on | date |
CallForTenders:multipleTenders | Multiple tenders will be accepted | string |
Interval:namesMentioned | Detected names | name |
Thing:noteEntities | Notes | Note |
Thing:notes | Notes | text |
CallForTenders:numberOfLots | Number of lots | number |
CallForTenders:nutsCode | NUTS code | identifier |
CallForTenders:onBehalfOf | Published on behalf of | LegalEntity |
CallForTenders:paymentOptions | Payment options | string |
Thing:previousName | Previous name | name |
CallForTenders:procedure | Procedure | string |
CallForTenders:procurementType | Procurement type | string |
Thing:program | Program | string |
Thing:proof | Source document | Document |
CallForTenders:publicationDate | Date of publication/invitation | date |
Thing:publisher | Publishing source | string |
Thing:publisherUrl | Publishing source URL | url |
Interval:recordId | Record ID | string |
CallForTenders:relationToThreshold | Above or below threshold | string |
Thing:retrievedAt | Retrieved on | date |
CallForTenders:reverseAuctionsIncluded | Inclusion of e-Auctions | string |
Thing:sanctions | Sanctions | Sanction |
Thing:sourceUrl | Source link | url |
Interval:startDate | Start date | date |
CallForTenders:submissionDeadline | Submission deadline | date |
Thing:summary | Summary | text |
CallForTenders:tedUrl | TED link for published notices | url |
CallForTenders:tenderers | Tenderers | LegalEntity |
CallForTenders:tendersForLots | Tenders for lots | string |
Thing:topics | Topics | topic |
Thing:unknownLinkFrom | Linked from | UnknownLink |
Thing:unknownLinkTo | Linked to | UnknownLink |
Thing:weakAlias | Weak alias | name |
Thing:wikidataId | Wikidata ID | identifier |
Thing:wikipediaUrl | Wikipedia Article | url |