

Since v0.6.8

A corporation, usually for profit. Does not distinguish between private and public companies, and can also be used to model more specific constructs like trusts and funds. Companies are assets, so they can be owned by other legal entities.


graph BT Company(Company) Asset(Asset) click Asset "/explorer/schemata/Asset" Thing(Thing) click Thing "/explorer/schemata/Thing" Value(Value) click Value "/explorer/schemata/Value" Organization(Organization) click Organization "/explorer/schemata/Organization" LegalEntity(LegalEntity) click LegalEntity "/explorer/schemata/LegalEntity" class Company node-primary Company-->Asset Company-->Organization Asset-->Thing Asset-->Value Organization-->LegalEntity LegalEntity-->Thing




Abstract schemata are used for inheritance only and shouldn’t be used directly.



Entities using a generated schema shouldn’t be created directly by users.



Entities using a matchable schema can be used for matching and cross-referencing.



Entities using a hidden schema shouldn’t be displayed in user interfaces or created by users.


FollowTheMoney has well-defined semantics for different representations of entities, for example in a network graph or in a timeline.

  • In a network graph, entities should be represented as a vertex.
  • In a timeline, incorporationDate should be used as the temporal start. dissolutionDate should be used as the temporal end.
  • Company entities have no temporal extent, i.e. they are not suitable for representation in a timeline.


Name Label Type
Thing:name Name name
Thing:country Country country
Company:jurisdiction Jurisdiction country
LegalEntity:legalForm Legal form string
Company:registrationNumber Registration number identifier
LegalEntity:status Status string
Thing:address Address address
Thing:addressEntity Address Address
LegalEntity:agencyClient Clients Representation
LegalEntity:agentRepresentation Agents Representation
Thing:alephUrl Aleph URL url
Thing:alias Other name name
Value:amount Amount number
Value:amountEur Amount in EUR number
Value:amountUsd Amount in USD number
LegalEntity:authoredAssessments Assessments authored Assessment
Organization:bankAccounts Bank accounts BankAccount
Company:bikCode BIK string
LegalEntity:bvdId Bureau van Dijk ID identifier
Company:caemCode COD CAEM string
Organization:cageCode CAGE identifier
LegalEntity:callForTenders Call For Tenders CallForTenders
LegalEntity:callsMade Calls made Call
LegalEntity:callsReceived Calls received Call
Thing:candidateSimilars Similar to this Similar
Company:capital Capital string
Company:cikCode SEC Central Index Key identifier
LegalEntity:classification Classification string
Company:coatoCode COATO / SOATO / OKATO identifier
LegalEntity:contractAuthority Contracts issued Contract
LegalEntity:contractAwardSupplier Contracts awarded ContractAward
Thing:courtCase Court cases CourtCaseParty
Thing:createdAt Created at date
LegalEntity:cryptoWallets Cryptocurrency wallets CryptoWallet
Value:currency Currency string
LegalEntity:debtCreditor Credits Debt
LegalEntity:debtDebtor Debts Debt
LegalEntity:delegatedCallForTenders Delegated call for tenders CallForTenders
Thing:description Description text
LegalEntity:directorshipDirector Directorships Directorship
Organization:directorshipOrganization Directors Directorship
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate Dissolution date date
Thing:documentedBy Documents Documentation
LegalEntity:dunsCode DUNS identifier
LegalEntity:economicActivityDeclarant Customs declarations EconomicActivity
LegalEntity:economicActivityHolder Customs declarations facilitated EconomicActivity
LegalEntity:economicActivityReceiver Goods received EconomicActivity
LegalEntity:economicActivitySender Goods originated EconomicActivity
LegalEntity:email E-Mail email
LegalEntity:emailsReceived E-Mails received Email
LegalEntity:emailsSent E-Mails sent Email
Organization:employees Employees Employment
LegalEntity:eventsInvolved Events Event
LegalEntity:eventsOrganized Organized events Event
Company:fnsCode Federal tax service code identifier
Company:fssCode FSS string
Organization:giiNumber GIIN identifier
Company:ibcRuc ibcRUC identifier
LegalEntity:icijId ICIJ ID string
LegalEntity:identification Identifications Identification
LegalEntity:idNumber ID Number identifier
Organization:imoNumber IMO Number identifier
LegalEntity:incorporationDate Incorporation date date
Thing:indexText Index text text
LegalEntity:innCode INN identifier
Company:ipoCode IPO identifier
Company:irsCode IRS Number identifier
Company:isinCode ISIN identifier
Company:jibCode JIB identifier
Thing:keywords Keywords string
Company:kppCode KPP identifier
LegalEntity:leiCode LEI identifier
LegalEntity:licenseNumber License Number identifier
LegalEntity:mainCountry Country of origin country
Thing:matchSimilars Similar as this Similar
Company:mbsCode MBS identifier
LegalEntity:membershipMember Memberships Membership
Organization:membershipOrganization Members Membership
LegalEntity:mentionedBy Document mentions Mention
LegalEntity:messagesReceived Messages received Message
LegalEntity:messagesSent Messages sent Message
Thing:modifiedAt Modified on date
Thing:noteEntities Notes Note
Thing:notes Notes text
LegalEntity:npiCode NPI identifier
LegalEntity:ogrnCode OGRN identifier
Company:okopfCode OKOPF string
LegalEntity:okpoCode OKPO identifier
Company:oksmCode OKSM string
Company:okvedCode OKVED(2) Classifier string
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl OpenCorporates URL url
LegalEntity:operatedVehicles Vehicles operated Vehicle
LegalEntity:ownedVehicles Vehicles owned Vehicle
Asset:ownershipAsset Owners Ownership
LegalEntity:ownershipOwner Assets and shares Ownership
LegalEntity:parent Parent company LegalEntity
LegalEntity:paymentBeneficiary Payments received Payment
LegalEntity:paymentPayer Payments made Payment
Organization:permId PermID identifier
Company:pfrNumber PFR Number identifier
LegalEntity:phone Phone phone
Organization:positions Positions Position
LegalEntity:predecessors Predecessors Succession
Thing:previousName Previous name name
Thing:program Program string
LegalEntity:projectParticipation Projects ProjectParticipant
Thing:proof Source document Document
Thing:publisher Publishing source string
Thing:publisherUrl Publishing source URL url
Thing:retrievedAt Retrieved on date
Company:ricCode Reuters Instrument Code identifier
Thing:sanctions Sanctions Sanction
LegalEntity:sector Sector string
LegalEntity:securities Issued securities Security
Thing:sourceUrl Source link url
LegalEntity:subsidiaries Subsidiaries LegalEntity
LegalEntity:successors Successors Succession
Thing:summary Summary text
LegalEntity:swiftBic SWIFT/BIC identifier
LegalEntity:taxNumber Tax Number identifier
LegalEntity:taxRolls Tax rolls TaxRoll
LegalEntity:taxStatus Tax status string
Company:ticker Stock ticker symbol identifier
Thing:topics Topics topic
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId Unique Entity ID identifier
Thing:unknownLinkFrom Linked from UnknownLink
Thing:unknownLinkTo Linked to UnknownLink
LegalEntity:userAccounts User accounts UserAccount
LegalEntity:vatCode V.A.T. Identifier identifier
Company:voenCode VOEN identifier
Thing:weakAlias Weak alias name
LegalEntity:website Website url
Thing:wikidataId Wikidata ID identifier
Thing:wikipediaUrl Wikipedia Article url