NoAbstract schemata are used for inheritance only and shouldn’t be used directly.
A corporation, usually for profit. Does not distinguish between private and public companies, and can also be used to model more specific constructs like trusts and funds. Companies are assets, so they can be owned by other legal entities.
Abstract schemata are used for inheritance only and shouldn’t be used directly.
Entities using a generated schema shouldn’t be created directly by users.
Entities using a matchable schema can be used for matching and cross-referencing.
Entities using a hidden schema shouldn’t be displayed in user interfaces or created by users.
FollowTheMoney has well-defined semantics for different representations of entities, for example in a network graph or in a timeline.
should be used as
the temporal start.
should be used as the temporal
Name | Label | Type |
Thing:name | Name | name |
Thing:country | Country | country |
Company:jurisdiction | Jurisdiction | country |
LegalEntity:legalForm | Legal form | string |
Company:registrationNumber | Registration number | identifier |
LegalEntity:status | Status | string |
Thing:address | Address | address |
Thing:addressEntity | Address | Address |
LegalEntity:agencyClient | Clients | Representation |
LegalEntity:agentRepresentation | Agents | Representation |
Thing:alephUrl | Aleph URL | url |
Thing:alias | Other name | name |
Value:amount | Amount | number |
Value:amountEur | Amount in EUR | number |
Value:amountUsd | Amount in USD | number |
LegalEntity:authoredAssessments | Assessments authored | Assessment |
Organization:bankAccounts | Bank accounts | BankAccount |
Company:bikCode | BIK | string |
LegalEntity:bvdId | Bureau van Dijk ID | identifier |
Company:caemCode | COD CAEM | string |
Organization:cageCode | CAGE | identifier |
LegalEntity:callForTenders | Call For Tenders | CallForTenders |
LegalEntity:callsMade | Calls made | Call |
LegalEntity:callsReceived | Calls received | Call |
Thing:candidateSimilars | Similar to this | Similar |
Company:capital | Capital | string |
Company:cikCode | SEC Central Index Key | identifier |
LegalEntity:classification | Classification | string |
Company:coatoCode | COATO / SOATO / OKATO | identifier |
LegalEntity:contractAuthority | Contracts issued | Contract |
LegalEntity:contractAwardSupplier | Contracts awarded | ContractAward |
Thing:courtCase | Court cases | CourtCaseParty |
Thing:createdAt | Created at | date |
LegalEntity:cryptoWallets | Cryptocurrency wallets | CryptoWallet |
Value:currency | Currency | string |
LegalEntity:debtCreditor | Credits | Debt |
LegalEntity:debtDebtor | Debts | Debt |
LegalEntity:delegatedCallForTenders | Delegated call for tenders | CallForTenders |
Thing:description | Description | text |
LegalEntity:directorshipDirector | Directorships | Directorship |
Organization:directorshipOrganization | Directors | Directorship |
LegalEntity:dissolutionDate | Dissolution date | date |
Thing:documentedBy | Documents | Documentation |
LegalEntity:dunsCode | DUNS | identifier |
LegalEntity:economicActivityDeclarant | Customs declarations | EconomicActivity |
LegalEntity:economicActivityHolder | Customs declarations facilitated | EconomicActivity |
LegalEntity:economicActivityReceiver | Goods received | EconomicActivity |
LegalEntity:economicActivitySender | Goods originated | EconomicActivity |
LegalEntity:email | ||
LegalEntity:emailsReceived | E-Mails received | |
LegalEntity:emailsSent | E-Mails sent | |
Organization:employees | Employees | Employment |
LegalEntity:eventsInvolved | Events | Event |
LegalEntity:eventsOrganized | Organized events | Event |
Company:fnsCode | Federal tax service code | identifier |
Company:fssCode | FSS | string |
Organization:giiNumber | GIIN | identifier |
Company:ibcRuc Deprecated | ibcRUC | identifier |
LegalEntity:icijId | ICIJ ID | string |
LegalEntity:identification | Identifications | Identification |
LegalEntity:idNumber | ID Number | identifier |
Organization:imoNumber | IMO Number | identifier |
LegalEntity:incorporationDate | Incorporation date | date |
Thing:indexText | Index text | text |
LegalEntity:innCode | INN | identifier |
Company:ipoCode | IPO | identifier |
Company:irsCode | IRS Number | identifier |
Company:isinCode | ISIN | identifier |
Company:jibCode | JIB | identifier |
Thing:keywords | Keywords | string |
Company:kppCode | KPP | identifier |
LegalEntity:leiCode | LEI | identifier |
LegalEntity:licenseNumber | License Number | identifier |
LegalEntity:mainCountry | Country of origin | country |
Thing:matchSimilars | Similar as this | Similar |
Company:mbsCode | MBS | identifier |
LegalEntity:membershipMember | Memberships | Membership |
Organization:membershipOrganization | Members | Membership |
LegalEntity:mentionedBy | Document mentions | Mention |
LegalEntity:messagesReceived | Messages received | Message |
LegalEntity:messagesSent | Messages sent | Message |
Thing:modifiedAt | Modified on | date |
Thing:noteEntities | Notes | Note |
Thing:notes | Notes | text |
LegalEntity:npiCode | NPI | identifier |
LegalEntity:ogrnCode | OGRN | identifier |
Company:okopfCode | OKOPF | string |
LegalEntity:okpoCode | OKPO | identifier |
Company:oksmCode | OKSM | string |
Company:okvedCode | OKVED(2) Classifier | string |
LegalEntity:opencorporatesUrl | OpenCorporates URL | url |
LegalEntity:operatedVehicles | Vehicles operated | Vehicle |
LegalEntity:ownedVehicles | Vehicles owned | Vehicle |
Asset:ownershipAsset | Owners | Ownership |
LegalEntity:ownershipOwner | Assets and shares | Ownership |
LegalEntity:parent Deprecated | Parent company | LegalEntity |
LegalEntity:paymentBeneficiary | Payments received | Payment |
LegalEntity:paymentPayer | Payments made | Payment |
Organization:permId | PermID | identifier |
Company:pfrNumber | PFR Number | identifier |
LegalEntity:phone | Phone | phone |
Organization:positions | Positions | Position |
LegalEntity:predecessors | Predecessors | Succession |
Thing:previousName | Previous name | name |
Thing:program | Program | string |
LegalEntity:projectParticipation | Projects | ProjectParticipant |
Thing:proof | Source document | Document |
Thing:publisher | Publishing source | string |
Thing:publisherUrl | Publishing source URL | url |
Thing:retrievedAt | Retrieved on | date |
Company:ricCode | Reuters Instrument Code | identifier |
Thing:sanctions | Sanctions | Sanction |
LegalEntity:sector | Sector | string |
LegalEntity:securities | Issued securities | Security |
Thing:sourceUrl | Source link | url |
LegalEntity:subsidiaries | Subsidiaries | LegalEntity |
LegalEntity:successors | Successors | Succession |
Thing:summary | Summary | text |
LegalEntity:swiftBic | SWIFT/BIC | identifier |
LegalEntity:taxNumber | Tax Number | identifier |
LegalEntity:taxRolls | Tax rolls | TaxRoll |
LegalEntity:taxStatus | Tax status | string |
Company:ticker | Stock ticker symbol | identifier |
Thing:topics | Topics | topic |
LegalEntity:uniqueEntityId | Unique Entity ID | identifier |
Thing:unknownLinkFrom | Linked from | UnknownLink |
Thing:unknownLinkTo | Linked to | UnknownLink |
LegalEntity:userAccounts | User accounts | UserAccount |
LegalEntity:vatCode | V.A.T. Identifier | identifier |
Company:voenCode | VOEN | identifier |
Thing:weakAlias | Weak alias | name |
LegalEntity:website | Website | url |
Thing:wikidataId | Wikidata ID | identifier |
Thing:wikipediaUrl | Wikipedia Article | url |