NoMatchable types allow properties to be compared with each other in order to assess entity similarity.
A human written language. This list is arbitrarily limited for some weird upstream technical reasons, but we'll happily accept pull requests for additional languages once there is a specific need for them to be supported.
Matchable types allow properties to be compared with each other in order to assess entity similarity.
Pivot types are a stronger form of matchable types and can be used to find similar entities based on simple value lookups.
Value | Label |
afr | Afrikaans |
ara | Arabic |
aze | Azerbaijani |
bel | Belarusian |
bos | Bosnian |
bul | Bulgarian |
cat | Catalan |
ces | Czech |
cnr | Montenegrin |
dan | Danish |
deu | German |
ell | Greek |
eng | English |
est | Estonian |
fas | Persian |
fil | Filipino |
fin | Finnish |
fra | French |
heb | Hebrew |
hin | Hindi |
hrv | Croatian |
hun | Hungarian |
hye | Armenian |
ind | Indonesian |
isl | Icelandic |
ita | Italian |
jpn | Japanese |
kan | Kannada |
kat | Georgian |
kaz | Kazakh |
khm | Khmer |
kir | Kyrgyz |
kor | Korean |
lav | Latvian |
lit | Lithuanian |
ltz | Luxembourgish |
mkd | Macedonian |
mlt | Maltese |
mon | Mongolian |
msa | Malay |
mya | Burmese |
nep | Nepali |
nld | Dutch |
nor | Norwegian |
pol | Polish |
por | Portuguese |
ron | Romanian |
rus | Russian |
slk | Slovak |
slv | Slovenian |
spa | Spanish |
sqi | Albanian |
srp | Serbian |
swa | Swahili |
swe | Swedish |
tgk | Tajik |
tgl | Tagalog |
tuk | Turkmen |
tur | Turkish |
ukr | Ukrainian |
urd | Urdu |
uzb | Uzbek |
zho | Chinese |